Blog Category

On the runway, part 2
Just the next part of my one-man runway show up in my skybox. Enjoy your Sunday! Complete the look: Shorts:…

On the runway, part 1
So I decided to have a little one-man runway show in my skybox. Maybe next time, I’ll be lucky enough…

Just sitting here
Yeah, I’m just sitting here. It’s not always easy to find a good title and text to write about a…

Taking a day off at the beach
Spending a day off in Playa Tropical. “Take a day off” they said… “You don’t need to blog today” they…

The typical “walk in the street” picture
Just walking in the street at night on my way home when I decided I should shoot a couple of…

Waiting for the subway
Been sitting here for 15 minutes. All subway lines are heavily delayed due to cold weather and snow. Hopefully I…

Bad boy on the subway
Yeah, sometimes I can be a bad boy as well. Like when I want to decorate the the subway in…

Post #2
Hanging out at my friend Mason’s flat. Backdrop: Kraftwerk – The Shred Flat Complete the look! Jeans: Blank Line ripped jeans…

The Genesis post
Let there be light…. Welcome to my blog. This is the first post, aka. the “Genesis” post. I made this…